What It Really Means to Be a Healthy Woman

Being aware of your health is an all-consuming task nowadays. It can range anywhere from casual advice to being hit from all directions with experts telling you that you aren’t doing enough and that you must immediately implement a myriad of changes. It can be overwhelming. So what does it actually mean to be “a ”healthy woman”? 

Body, Mind and Soul

Being healthy is all-encompassing. If you excel in, say, physical health but your mental health is lacking, it’s not exactly accurate to consider yourself healthy. It’s always in your best interest to consider all factors that contribute to your overall health because simply eating right and exercising isn’t enough. For example, there are several risks to your health that are associated with having high levels of unmanaged stress. 

In addition to the more commonly known side effects of stress, like high blood pressure and gastrointestinal issues, there are also disruptions to sleep and your ability to foster amicable relations with friends and family. Whereas it’s healthy to try to circumvent high levels of stress with meditation and/or exercise, in desperation some turn to the more short-term escapism provided by drugs and alcohol. 

While you are taking the time to evacuate your health and how you deal with it, be sure to survey your own alcohol intake. Also, be honest with yourself about whether or not you abuse medications or illicit drugs to cope with everyday life or extenuating stressful situations. If you find that you’re dealing with your stress in an unhealthy way, seek the help you need at a rehab center for women.

Be Proactive

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Like many other things in life, it is imperative to strike the ideal balance between all involved aspects to be able to, with any certainty or accuracy, assert that you are healthy in any respect. 

Men Are From Mars…

While it’s true that men and women deal with health issues and stress differently, you probably wonder why that is. It all boils down to the fact that men and women face different pressures in their day to day lives. Traditionally speaking, men were typically the strength of the family and the breadwinners. 

It’s not exactly as straightforward for women; especially in today’s world of single-family households and women assuming less gender-binding roles. Women have the added, sometimes self-imposed, pressures of competing not only with the outside world but their own expectations of success and what being a successful woman entails. Some women struggle with perfection, or at least their notion of what perfection is.

Your DNA Plays a Part

When considering your health, do not forget that factors beyond your control play into your overall health. Genetics, for example, has a lot to answer for. Certain diseases and predispositions may run in your family; some may be preventable by a healthy lifestyle, others may not be that accommodating. There are also other factors such as your socioeconomic standing, geographical location, level of education, and your interpersonal relationships that play into the equation of determining overall health. 

Too often it’s discounted how important it is to maintain healthy relationships and how those relationships can impact overall health. Mental health should not take a backseat to physical health. As a matter of fact, poor relationships directly correlate to poor health. Not only will a toxic relationship make you ill, but a healthy relationship will help improve your overall health. With due care and attention, you can work towards striking that perfect balance and enjoy living a happy and healthy life.