How CBD can help your chronic pain

If you’re tired of taking painkillers to manage your chronic pain, we hear you.There are a lot of negative side effects of taking ibuprofen regularly, and relying on habit-forming opioids may even lead to addiction or over-reliance. Fortunately, there’s a more natural way to manage your pain safely with low risk of side effects.

CBD, a type of cannabinoid found naturally in cannabis, has incredibly promising research behind it that shows you can use it successfully to keep your pain in check. You can find different forms of CBD concentrates these days. It ranges from isolates like dark shatter and light shatter; oils; wax and capsules. These can be easily browsed and sourced from online CBD dispensaries and stores like Buy My Weed Online. However, it is worth noting that none of these have the properties of typical cannabis that make you feel “high”, which is caused by THC. It has none of the properties of typical cannabis that make you feel “high”, which is caused by THC. Rather, it has medicinal properties that reduce inflammation and relieve pain safely and naturally. However, for some people marijuana is their best bet in assisting with their debilitating pain, they may need help finding marijuana seeds so they have a personal supply, but they first need to discuss this line of treatment with a doctor. There are so many ways CBD can be consumed, from using a Boston Round Amber Bottle to eating CBD gummies, there are many options. Anyway, here are some ways CBD can improve your quality of life when it comes to managing your chronic pain.


There are many types of arthritis – in fact, there are more than 100 kinds. This means that, depending on your specific type, you may need different treatment. However, CBD can be used for general pain and you may find relief regardless of the type of arthritis you have. CBD can also reduce inflammation, which can be extremely effective for those who experience arthritis pain due to inflamed joints. Make sure to speak with your doctor about using CBD to treat arthritis, as types such as rheumatoid arthritis need to be treated with prescription drugs because of the seriousness of the condition. The best thing as well, is that you can use CBD in different way to suit you. For example you can use tinctures, creams, softegels or even inhale it using a CBD Queen Aspire Pockex vape!


CBD is a miracle for those who experience chronic headaches or migraines. While there is limited research done thus far, many individuals rely on CBD to reduce their chronic headaches. While medical marijuana that includes THC can be used to treat headaches, using CBD is shown to have an effect when working to prevent them.

Multiple sclerosis

Those who suffer from multiple sclerosis, or MS, often experience muscle spasms that can cause chronic pain. Studies show that the severity of these spasms can be lessened with CBD, making them less painful for individuals suffering from this auto-immune disease.

Other Pain

Because of CBD’s ability to reduce inflammation, it can be used to treat a variety of other pains and aches. It has also shown to reduce anxiety and help those suffering from insomnia. If you plan to use CBD drops or other forms to reduce pain or for any of its other benefits, be sure to consult with your physician, make sure you’re choosing a product that is pure, and start with a low dosage until you figure out what works for you.

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What It Really Means to Be a Healthy Woman

Being aware of your health is an all-consuming task nowadays. It can range anywhere from casual advice to being hit from all directions with experts telling you that you aren’t doing enough and that you must immediately implement a myriad of changes. It can be overwhelming. So what does it actually mean to be “a ”healthy woman”? 

Body, Mind and Soul

Being healthy is all-encompassing. If you excel in, say, physical health but your mental health is lacking, it’s not exactly accurate to consider yourself healthy. It’s always in your best interest to consider all factors that contribute to your overall health because simply eating right and exercising isn’t enough. For example, there are several risks to your health that are associated with having high levels of unmanaged stress. 

In addition to the more commonly known side effects of stress, like high blood pressure and gastrointestinal issues, there are also disruptions to sleep and your ability to foster amicable relations with friends and family. Whereas it’s healthy to try to circumvent high levels of stress with meditation and/or exercise, in desperation some turn to the more short-term escapism provided by drugs and alcohol. 

While you are taking the time to evacuate your health and how you deal with it, be sure to survey your own alcohol intake. Also, be honest with yourself about whether or not you abuse medications or illicit drugs to cope with everyday life or extenuating stressful situations. If you find that you’re dealing with your stress in an unhealthy way, seek the help you need at a rehab center for women.

Be Proactive

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Like many other things in life, it is imperative to strike the ideal balance between all involved aspects to be able to, with any certainty or accuracy, assert that you are healthy in any respect. 

Men Are From Mars…

While it’s true that men and women deal with health issues and stress differently, you probably wonder why that is. It all boils down to the fact that men and women face different pressures in their day to day lives. Traditionally speaking, men were typically the strength of the family and the breadwinners. 

It’s not exactly as straightforward for women; especially in today’s world of single-family households and women assuming less gender-binding roles. Women have the added, sometimes self-imposed, pressures of competing not only with the outside world but their own expectations of success and what being a successful woman entails. Some women struggle with perfection, or at least their notion of what perfection is.

Your DNA Plays a Part

When considering your health, do not forget that factors beyond your control play into your overall health. Genetics, for example, has a lot to answer for. Certain diseases and predispositions may run in your family; some may be preventable by a healthy lifestyle, others may not be that accommodating. There are also other factors such as your socioeconomic standing, geographical location, level of education, and your interpersonal relationships that play into the equation of determining overall health. 

Too often it’s discounted how important it is to maintain healthy relationships and how those relationships can impact overall health. Mental health should not take a backseat to physical health. As a matter of fact, poor relationships directly correlate to poor health. Not only will a toxic relationship make you ill, but a healthy relationship will help improve your overall health. With due care and attention, you can work towards striking that perfect balance and enjoy living a happy and healthy life.

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Top 10 Superfoods and Their Benefits

Superfoods are nutritionally dense foods that are believed to be highly beneficial for your health. These foods are loaded with various nutrients like antioxidants, healthy fats, and fiber with minimal calories. These nutrients are then critical in preventing heart disease, diabetes, and providing a host of other benefits. Below are some of the top ten superfoods and their benefits.

1. Leafy green vegetables

People often consider spinach, kale, collard greens, swiss chard, and beet greens as superfood vegetables. These veggies contain plenty of vitamins A, B, E, K, and C, as well as iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. The high water and fiber content in leafy greens help in preventing constipation and promotes regularity along with a healthy digestion system. Depending on what you’re lacking, taking supplements from brands like essential12 may be a good choice. However, you should always get medical advice before doing so.

2. Avocados

Despite the high-fat content, avocadoes contain beneficial monounsaturated fat that is linked to reducing susceptibility to diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. Avocados help in tissue and blood regeneration and stabilizing blood sugar. They are also filled with fiber and are an excellent source of the antioxidant lutein that is associated with skin and eye health. It is no wonder that Australians love their avocados.

3. Blueberries

Blueberries are the antiaging superfoods that are full of antioxidants, like anthocyanins, that improve brain function and vision. Research shows that consuming blueberries helps to slow down impairments in memory and motor coordination that come with aging. They also reduce the inflammation linked to nearly all chronic diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

4. Salmon

A tasty and highly nutritious superfood, salmon is full of healthy fats, B vitamins, selenium, protein, and potassium. It also contributes omega-3 fatty acids that are known to offer multiple health benefits, like reducing inflammation and minimizing the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

5. Garlic

Garlic lowers overall blood fat and cholesterol levels, helping to avoid clogged arteries. Patients with heart disease can reduce their odds of getting heart attacks by adding three cloves of garlic per day into their diet. Garlic is also an antiviral and antibacterial, which boosts tolerance to infections and colds.

6. Almonds

Rich in monounsaturated fat and fiber, almonds are superfoods that help to reduce cholesterol. Like most nuts, eating almonds in a low cholesterol diet may lower your potential for heart diseases. These nuts also help to support weight loss as their fiber, monounsaturated fats, and protein leave you feeling full, preventing overeating.

7. Dark Chocolate

The bitter dark chocolate variety is excellent for your health. These benefits come from the antioxidants and flavanols, which are the same beneficial nutrients found in apples, cranberries, and strawberries. When consumed moderately, dark chocolate has few calories and helps to lower LDL cholesterol and avoid plaque accumulation in the arteries.

8. Eggs

Eggs offer an excellent quality of protein, consistently outranking beef, milk, soy, and whey. Besides containing all the essential amino acids, whole eggs contain vitamins, antioxidants, selenium, phosphorus, and iron. The egg yolk contains choline that helps to protect brain and heart function and also to prevent fat and cholesterol accumulation within the liver.

9. Pomegranates

Eating pomegranates give you nearly double the number of antioxidants in green tea and red wine. The juice of this superfood also reduces plaque formation, which prevents stroke and heart disease. Research also shows that pomegranate juice can help slow down aging.

10. Mushrooms

Mushrooms have been used for decades in ancient eastern medicine practices due to their healing properties, particularly the shiitake, reishi, and maitake varieties. Mushrooms like maitake can prevent cancer and even deal with the adverse effects associated with radiation and chemotherapy. Meanwhile, shiitake mushroom consumption can lower blood cholesterol by nearly 45%. Furthermore, chaga mushroom benefits include reducing tumors and improving blood cell health.


Remember to include superfoods in your diet on top of your healthy, well-balanced nutrition. Eating these nutrient-rich foods with poor nutrition will not provide any protection from health problems and chronic ailments. Instead, your aim should have a varied and nutritious diet that includes these superfoods and other healthy foods and not just limiting yourself to individual foods.

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Making a Success out of Your Health & Fitness Blogging Career

They say that, ‘time flies when you’re having fun’, well I’ve been having nothing but fun during my nine year blogging career and as a result it doesn’t feel like I’ve been working at all. With that in mind, I thought I would use my experience and share some tips on how to create a successful blog, whether, like me you focus on health and fitness or you find your own niche.
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Finding the Motivation to Exercise when Low on Inspiration

Trust me, even if you’re into the health and fitness benefits of exercising as a matter of a career path you’re following, sometimes finding the motivation to exercise can be really hard. Inspiration runs low very quickly and even a health and fitness goal you might have is sometimes not enough to keep you motivated. View Full Post

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